Butterfly Run

Register to get involved and participate in the walk or run on Sunday, October 15 alongside a community of families and advocates from across the province.

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Location: Olympic Village Square
Date: October 15, 2023

It is estimated that 1 in 4 women will experience miscarriage or pregnancy loss and that 1 in 6 Canadians experience infertility. While support exists, programs are often relatively unknown, underfunded, and hard to access. The taboo surrounding pregnancy and infant loss leaves many individuals and families dealing with their grief in isolation.

Being a Bereaved Parent is a Path That No One Should Walk Alone…

The Butterfly Run exists to support those who have experienced infertility, pregnancy loss, and infant loss by organizing a memorial run to create community, raise awareness, and fundraise for supporting programs.

Register to get involved and participate in the 5km + 3km walk or run on Sunday, October 15 alongside a community of families and advocates from across the province.